去年11月主場贏得香港公開賽冠軍的港隊新星李卓耀今早率先上陣,經過近一個月休息及調整後重拾狀態,面對印尼Shesar Hiren Rhustavito未受太大考驗,以直落2局21:18、21:16獲勝,明日(9日)將與4號種子、里約奧運冠軍中國諶龍爭逐8強席位,後者同日以21:16、21:14淘汰韓國孫完虎。
史葛伊榮直言在他遇上Lap sir前已是一個不錯的射手(Great Shooter),但他從Lap sir身上學到不同的腳步及技巧,例如變速進攻,“Lap taught me different footwork that improved my shooting even more. Also he’s worked with me on changing speeds and trying to be more swift with the ball.”
對於在早前和前NBA球員美奧(OJ Mayo)交手,並帶領球隊擊敗對方帶領的球隊,史葛伊榮直言美奧是他的偶像,與他交手是夢想成真,“When I was a kid I used to have a SLAM magazine and Mayo was the front cover. It made it feel almost unreal to beat his team in my first game.”
今季史葛伊榮希望帶領球隊殺入季後賽,他認為澳門戰狼具備天賦,只是需要一個射手配合,言下之意自己就是最佳答案,“The team was already very talented but they needed a shooter, adding me changed a lot for the team because now we shoot more and play faster. I think this was the missing piece and that we definitely can achieve this goal of making the playoffs now!”