Volunteer 成為義工 Become a Volunteer 英文姓名 English Name* 中文姓名 Chinese Name* 性別 Sex 男 Male女 Female 聯絡電郵 Email Address 聯絡電話 Contact No. 個人介紹 Self Introduction 備注 Remarks 您所提供的資料將保密處理,只會被受其委託的服務提供者用作處理義工服務事宜及有關通訊用途。 為了與您緊密聯繫,我們將會透過您提供的聯絡方法(包括姓名、電話及電郵),為您提供通訊、籌募及相關資訊,以及用作收集意見之用途。The information you provide will be kept confidentially and will only be used by the entrusted service providers for handling volunteer service matters and related communication purposes. In order to keep in close contact with you, we will provide you with communication, fund-raising and related information through the contact methods you provide (including name, phone number and email), as well as for collecting opinions.