入會申請表格 入會申請表 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM ***個人資料 Personal Data*** 凡贊同本會宗旨,並曾為銀禧體育中心、香港康體發展局或香港體育學院之退役或現役獎學金運動員,或曾代表香港參加亞洲運動會或同等或更高水平之賽事*,並願遵守本會章則,皆可申請成為會員。 (*必須為中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會之運動項目)) Any scholarship athlete in active service or anyone who has been member of the Jubilee Sports Centre, the Hong Kong Sports Institute or the Hong Kong Sports Development Board that agrees with the purpose of the Association and is willing to abide by its rules and regulations may apply for membership; or 英文姓名 English Name (required)* 中文姓名 Chinese Name (required)* 身份證號碼 HK ID Card No. (required)* 出生日期 Date of Birth (required)* 性別 Sex (required)* 男Male女Female 職業 Occupation (required)* 婚姻狀況 (required)* 未婚 Single已婚 married 電話 Telephone Number (required)* 電郵 Email Address (required)* 地區 香港島九龍新界其他 聯絡地址 Correspondence Address (required)* ***運動成績及紀錄Sporting Achievements and Records*** 運動項目 Sport (required) * 主項(如有) Main Event (if any) 成為銀禧、體院或康體局獎學金運動員年份 Period as JSC,HKSI or HKSDB Scholarship Athlete: From To 請簡略寫出曾參加之大型賽事及本地賽事之成績: 年份Year 比賽Name of Competition(s) 成績/名次Result(s) 年份Year 比賽Name of Competition(s) 成績/名次Result(s) 年份Year 比賽Name of Competition(s) 成績/名次Result(s) 現在或曾保持之紀錄(如有)Current/Former Personal Best Records (if any): 年份Year 項目Event(s) 紀錄Record(s) 年份Year 項目Event(s) 紀錄Record(s) 年份Year 項目Event(s) 紀錄Record(s) ***問卷 Questionnaire*** 1. 你希望運動員協會舉辦或參與哪一類型活動? Which type(s) of activities would you suggest the HK Elite Athletes Assn to organise or participate in? 2. 你希望本會為你提供哪些服務? What kind(s) of services would you expect from the Organisation? 推薦人 Referrer 3. 其他意見/建議 Other comments/suggestions: 永久年費五百元,支票抬頭請寫「香港精英運動員協會」。 One-off lifetime membership fee of HK$500, should be made payable to 'Hong Kong Elite Athletes Association' 通訊地址: 新界沙田美林邨美楓樓B座地下36及38號 Mail Address: Units 36 & 38, G/Fl., Block B, Mei Fung House, Mei Lam Estate, Shatin, N.T. 如有任何疑問,請致電2688 0486向秘書處查詢。 Please contact the Secretariat at 2688 0486 for further information.